We provide a complete platform for your development teams to develop, test and deploy complex applications, completed with tooling for managed services, observability and operations teams.
Operations cost
Development velocity
Licence costs
Through our patented deploy tech, Codesphere makes hosting AI models affordable. Learn how it's done straight from our founders
Since our platform touches quite a few areas of the software development and operations lifecycle it’s worth to explore the areas one by one.
Having development teams depend on operations or DevOps teams to provision the deployments and CI pipelines they need to properly work is inefficient.
Self service CI &CD
Codesphere gives teams control over development while automatically providing operations with key metrics. Standardized workflows cut delays, and always-updated containers reduce maintenance.
Uniform deployment environments
Development needs speed, and production needs stability. Codesphere Workspaces balance both by ensuring reliability and security through immutability while equipping developers with the tools they need.
We increase the time developers have for actually writing useful code while also enabling them to build on the right things earlier in the process.
Increased time for development per dev
Working on the right things
Avoid being trapped in price gauging - if one cloud provider becomes too expensive you can move your entire tech stack to another one easily. You can even move back on your own datacenters.
Lowering the entry barriers and empowering your existing workforce will reduce the dependency on expensive and hard to retain top talents. Unblocking your people like this will also generally increase retention.
Legacy applications can move to the cloud without major rework—no need to containerize large stacks. They run in Codesphere Workspaces within minutes.
Some clients have also quickly replaced expensive on-prem licenses (like Oracle) with open-source cloud components.
Get in touch to learn how Codesphere can help your company to innovate faster, maintain control, and reduce costs.
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