Migration of Legacy Software to the Cloud

Migrating a large landscape of legacy applications to the cloud without exhausting DevOps resources.

Initial Situation

Eurotours International, a leading provider in multi-channel travel distribution, faced the challenge of migrating legacy applications to the cloud. The existing on-premise systems were no longer aligned with updated business requirements.

15 Developers on the project

40 years of in-house development

Oracle Web Logic
Oracle PL SQL
Eurotours HQ

This lead to a number of challenges

The monolithic architecture lead to different challnges, including:

Knowledge Silos

The implemented proprietary software solutions needed lots of expertise from specialized expert which turned onboarding into a bottleneck.

Extensive Administration Effort

Running systems on-prem means administering and maintaining them as, well as paying expensive fees.

Slow processes

The flexibility of on-prem slowed down processes, making it hard to keep up with the speed of business needed to thrive in todays environment

Expensive Licences

The existing systems were highly dependent on a number of licences, which were costly to maintain.

Main Goals

Some of Eurotours goals for the migration include:

Simplify DevOps

Lower cost of ownership while giving more control over the infrastructure in the hands of developers.

Break up monolithic architecture

Improve testing capabilities, make know-how more accessible and speed up the onboarding of new developers

Getting rid of on-premise

Keep the flexibility of on-prem while not having to worry about running and maintaining the architecture.

Solution and Implementation

With Codesphere

Enabling Developers to build more

Utilizing Codesphere as a PaaS infrastructure platform gave developers the freedom to provision all the infrastructure without any Kubernetes knowledge without any restrictions, leading to higher confidence and faster workflows.

The ease of use & flexibility of Codesphere is market leading, anyone can deploy their first application within minutes.

Patrick Kürzer

Head of Software Development @ Eurotours

Self-Service to eliminate risks

Traditionally, skill centralization and dependencies are associated with risks. Codesphere allows for immediate, real-time onboarding, enabling any team member to effortlessly manage tasks from scaling applications to setting up domains.

This simplifies operations but also fosters independence and flexibility across development teams.


Feedback Cycles

Choice of Tools






Standardization where it makes sense

Codesphere does not restrict the development team while providing standardization where it makes sense.

Features like CI/CD workflows enhance debugging and maintain organizational consistency, significantly boosting team dynamics and efficiency while our patented reactive workspaces allow for spawning cost effective preview environments in an instance.

Eurotours HQ
Codesphere was a perfect fit to eliminate the bottlenecks we had with the previous legacy system.

Patrick Kürzer

Head of Software Development @ Eurotours

.The secret to building high quality software at scale

The secret to building high quality software at scale

How enabling developers to manage deployments as self-services allows you to build high quality software at scale. Faster.

.Eliminate the gap between development and operations

Eliminate the gap between development and operations

The gap between development and operation leads to an 'over the wall' mentality. The future of development is developer self service. Learn how to implement it today.


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