Troubleshooting Deployments Dieser Artikel enthält eine Sammlung der häufigsten Fallstricke beim Deployment Ihrer Anwendung auf Codesphere. December 14, 2023 2 Min Lesezeit Codesphere From everyone in the Codesphere Team:) Inhaltsverzeichnis Unser Ziel ist es, das Deployment Ihrer Anwendungen super einfach zu gestalten. Bei vielen Frameworks funktioniert alles ganz einfach und sofort, wie in unserem Speedrun beschrieben: Deployment einer Anwendung. Manchmal kann es beim Deployment von Apps zu Problemen kommen - wir haben hier typische Fehler und die entsprechenden Lösungen zusammengestellt. Wenn Sie hier keine Lösung für Ihr Problem finden, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support, wir werden versuchen, Ihnen so schnell wie möglich zu helfen! Issues Solution Forgot to Deploy To deploy an app in Codesphere, run your app from the Codesphere IDE's terminal just as you would from your local IDE or create and run a CI pipeline. For example, when using Node.js, the command to start your server would typically be something like npm start or npm run start:production. Incorrect Host or Port Codesphere apps must be deployed to host and port 3000. Many web frameworks will not deploy here by default. For some frameworks we already have docs with more details. Installed packages are not persistent across restarts Each workspace plan comes with some allocated storage. It is important that it is linked to a specific directory, /home/user/app - everything installed in this or below this directory is persistent. Other directories have limited sizes and get wiped each restart. Not all frameworks install in the current working directory automatically. If yours doesn't, please refer to the official framework documentation and configure the path accordingly. Permission denied Codesphere does not allow full root access due to security reasons. You can install OS level packages via Nix which will give you a similar experience and flexibility. You can learn more about how to use Nix Standby when unused / free workspace unable to start on domain visit Your workspace will turn off after 60 minutes of inactivity. It will try to reboot automatically on visiting the domain or opening the IDE. That only works if there is a valid & running CI pipeline defined. If your workspace is stuck in the reboot loop, first check the CI pipeline for run errors. App requires more than one port, i.e. server and frontend While opening multiple ports is nice when testing stuff on localhost, it is not a valid approach for internet facing domains - these are always required to be served on a single port. When working with such setup, it makes sense to configure the different parts to be served by different workspaces and domains (i.e. GitHub Repositories no longer visible in the create workspace modal For security reasons GitHub periodically invalidates access tokens. When this happens you might have to re-grant access to your repositories. Enabled TLS/SSL encryption We currently don't support workspaces having their own TLS/SSL encryption. Please serve your application over HTTP and let Codesphere handle TLS/SSL termination. Your deployments will still have valid certificates. Wir werden hier weiterhin häufige Probleme hinzufügen. Wenn du denkst, dass etwas fehlt, kannst du dich gerne an unseren Support per E-Mail oder in unserem Discord wenden.
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